[opencms-dev] multilingual-menus in opencms 13

Hein van der Kallen hvanderkallen at xs4all.nl
Sun Aug 21 15:42:10 CEST 2022


Thank you for your answer. 

This is how I understand it now: 


The localization for the default English workplace locale is included in opencms.war. 

The localizations for 8 supported foreign languages like "de" were before opencms 11 included in optional modules that were all loaded in a default install. 

The properties were in (sub)folders like /system/workplace/locales/de/messages/org/opencms/.. 

in files like messages-de.properties or clientmessages-de.properties

That is the situation described now in 

*	 https://documentation.opencms.org/opencms-documentation/localization/multilingual-menus/  (Valid for OpenCms: 13.0) 
*	In a default installation, the folders shown in Figure  <https://documentation.opencms.org/opencms-documentation/localization/multilingual-menus/#fig_available_workplace_locales> [available_workplace_locales] are present.

So by default all 8 supported foreign language localizations were activated. 

To deactivate a supported foreign language localization you should remove the corresponding module



Since opencms 11 The localizations for 8 supported foreign languages are placed in jar files like org.opencms.locale.de.jar in the lib folder. These 8 jarfiles are all loaded in a new install. 

The properties are in (sub)folders like /org/opencms/..

in files like messages-de.properties or clientmessages-de.properties

By default the /system/workplace/locales/ folder and its subfolders are not made. 

So by default none of the 8 supported foreign languages are activated. 

To activate a supported foreign language like "de" you should add the /system/workplace/locales and /system/workplace/locales/de folder. 




The advice 

To put the message bundles you may add in your locale usable, you have to export your locale folder, say pt for Portugese, to {webapp home}/WEB-INF/classes. Therefore, put your localization in a module and set the export point via the module configuration.  <https://opencms.cse.unsw.edu.au/alkacon-documentation/howto_workplace_translation/step1-workplace-translation.html> Here's an old (but still mostly valid) tutorial on how to add the localizations (the wizard mentioned there is not available anymore).

Seems far outdated (from opencms 7) : If Opencms does not place localizations for supported foreign languages in modules any more and surely not in that way, so why should creators for a non-supported language localization do it like that ?

And the link is not working anymore. 

It can still be found on http://www.incmnsz.mx/opencms/alkacon-documentation/howto_workplace_translation/


So please correct the documentation.  



Hein van der Kallen



Van: Filip Kratochvil <tech.kratas at gmail.com> 
Verzonden: vrijdag 19 augustus 2022 21:42
Aan: The OpenCms mailing list <opencms-dev at opencms.org>
CC: Hein van der Kallen <hvanderkallen at xs4all.nl>
Onderwerp: Re: [opencms-dev] multilingual-menus in opencms 13


Hello Hein,


localization files are now part of the corresponding libs inside WEB-INF/lib/ (libs contain java properties files). You can use it as a source for some modification.


If you want to develop new localization more seriously, check this script:



It can collect all "en" files from git repo as a source for translation and copy files between RFS and VFS (using mounted OpenCms). Anyway, it's been some time since I used this tool, so I don't remember all the functions...


Filip Kratochvil



pá 19. 8. 2022 v 16:08 odesílatel Hein van der Kallen via opencms-dev <opencms-dev at opencms.org <mailto:opencms-dev at opencms.org> > napsal:


According to 

 <https://documentation.opencms.org/opencms-documentation/localization/multilingual-menus/> https://documentation.opencms.org/opencms-documentation/localization/multilingual-menus/  (Valid for OpenCms: 13.0) 

In a default installation, the folders shown in Figure  <https://documentation.opencms.org/opencms-documentation/localization/multilingual-menus/#fig_available_workplace_locales> [available_workplace_locales] are present.


But in a fresh opencms 13 (default without legacy tools) the workplace folder only contains 

*	commons
*	editors
*	resources

Folders. (and NO locales folder) 


Also the system folder contains other subfolders.


Please explain what happened to  multilingual-menus. 

And bring implementation and documentation in sync. 



Hein van der Kallen



Van: opencms-dev <opencms-dev-bounces at opencms.org <mailto:opencms-dev-bounces at opencms.org> > Namens Alex Kandzior via opencms-dev
Verzonden: vrijdag 5 augustus 2022 11:04
Aan: The OpenCms mailing list <opencms-dev at opencms.org <mailto:opencms-dev at opencms.org> >
CC: Alex Kandzior <alex at opencms.org <mailto:alex at opencms.org> >
Onderwerp: Re: [opencms-dev] Search index configuration


Hi Fabian!


- How can I import users and groups that have been exported from e.g. 10.5? In other terms, as the password mechanics seem to have changed, how can I migrate local users and groups to a fresh install of OpenCms 13?


Check the configuration file „opencms-system.xml“. Somewhere aound line 35 is the <passwordhandler> configuration.

Change this back to:


                              <passwordhandler class="org.opencms.security.CmsDefaultPasswordHandler">
                                            <param name="compatibility.convert.digestencoding">false</param>


Then the old MD5 encoded password should still work. 


- Can I no longer add/modify search indexes and sources through the GUI?


Yes, this is the case.


Kind regards,

Alexander Kandzior

Alkacon Software - The OpenCms Experts                                                    
http://www.alkacon.com - http://www.opencms.org                                                          


Am 04.08.2022 um 22:10 schrieb Fabian Huschka via opencms-dev <opencms-dev at opencms.org <mailto:opencms-dev at opencms.org> >:




I had finally the chance to fiddle with OpenCms 13. And two things struck me right away:


- How can I import users and groups that have been exported from e.g. 10.5? In other terms, as the password mechanics seem to have changed, how can I migrate local users and groups to a fresh install of OpenCms 13?

- Can I no longer add/modify search indexes and sources through the GUI?


Many thanks,




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